
I am the string, and the Supreme is the musician---Carlos Santana
Free your body, free your voice. Learn a routine of simple movements and vocal tones. Over time, you will literally become a human instrument, knowing your voice intimately and lovingly.

For more information, please email: singersyoga (at)
Have you ever gone to choir or band rehearsal and left hoarse? Or have been unable to produce the tonal clarity that blends with the group? These problems are so common, it's heartbreaking. Vocal expression is a basic human right. In fact, it's an urgent need. Children sing and call to each other for hours, without vocal problems. Then, for one reason or another, that clear, powerful voice shuts down. Re-creating a healthy, reliable voice is a matter of knowledge and practice.

Your facilitator, Reisa, was constantly hoarse and even ruptured a vocal chord before learning the techniques that allow her to sing freely for up to six hours per day. She has had no vocal problems for twenty years.
One of the most sublime feelings is to connect with the Divine through your voice. Sacred Sound techniques will help you open that channel. With no judgment as to which aspect of the Divine you feel a connection. We will use singing tones to open and align the chakras.

This isn't wishful thinking or mumbo-jumbo. Through a proven set of simple, enjoyable exercises, you'll create a human instrument by: opening the rib cage, freeing and aligning the spinal vertebrae, enhancing flexibility and muscle strength. This allows a greater range of sound waves to travel through the bones and optimally positions the larynx, or "voice box."

When you pluck a string on an instrument, the sound resonates through its body without reservation. When we work through the places where we hold tension, our bodies are again free to make sound---simply and purely.

Singing experience and an athletic body are not required. Only the willingness to do some stretches, deep breathing and vocalizing.
You'll notice improvements to your:
*Self awareness

*Well being

And leave classes feeling terrific!

Where & When:

Reisa is currently booking group classes in private homes. Your lawn in warm weather is a lovely option. If you are interested in having your friends over for an evening or weekend afternoon of voice practice,

Wear: Something cool, stretchy and comfortable. You don't have to wear official yoga gear, but may not participate in denim jeans, dress pants or a belt--- blood circulation and breathing will be profoundly restricted by tight clothing.

This is an adult class. Youth 16+ may attend with a parent.

Instructor Raisa Stone is a professional singer/storyteller who created the Wild Woman Weekend and Free Your Voice Workshops. She apprenticed for three years with The Nylons singer Ralph Cole. Recent voice work includes narrating "Art Is A Mirror" for Bravo TV, storytelling on Global TV to save an urban forest, the Organic Islands Festival and the Shadbolt Centre's summer concert series. Reisa is a graduate of the Hoffman Quadrinity Process. She loves the human instrument.
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